Real Estate Agents Near Me in Southport

Craig Douglas Gold Coast Real Estate Agent 0418 189 963
Craig Douglas 0418 189 963, Real Estate Agent at a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island, Your Local Independant Gold Coast Real Estate Agents.
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Ready to transform your ‘thinking about selling’ into ‘SOLD’? Let’s chat over a coffee: Craig Douglas 0418 189 963

Real Estate Agents Near Me in Southport: Your Local Expert Guide

I’m a real estate agent who’s passionate about helping people achieve their dreams. I’m here to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. You looked for real estate agents near me in Southport, let’s meet over coffee and discuss your options.

Together we can get your property SOLD for the Best possible Price.

Let’s get you started on your selling journey… Are you ready for a chat over a coffee? 0418 189 963

You can find me at a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island



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Gold Coast Real Estate News & Articles

Real Estate Agents Near Me in Southport

November Housing Dynamics: Heat coming out of the Housing Market

4 December 2023, Gold Coast Real Estate News & Articles – Craig Douglas, Gold Coast Independent Real Estate Agent 0418 189 963

November’s housing market data reveals a significant slowdown in national house price growth rates. Real estate agents near me in Southport have noted this trend, with a 0.6% rise in the national Home Value Index (HVI), the smallest monthly increase since the growth cycle began earlier this year. However, despite this slowdown, the national HVI reached a new record high in November.

The V-Shaped Recovery

The national HVI had fallen by 7.5% from a peak in April 2022 to a trough in January 2023. Remarkably, house prices rose by 8.3% over the following 10 months, forming a clear ‘V’ shaped recovery.

Note: A V-shaped recovery is a type of economic recovery that resembles a V-shape on a chart. Specifically, this type of recovery represents a sharp decline followed by a strong rebound that quickly brings the economy back to its pre-recession level.

The Multi-Speed Conditions in Capital Cities

In contrast to the headline trends, multi-speed conditions are increasingly evident in the capital cities. Three cities saw values fall over the month, including Melbourne and Hobart, both down 0.1 per cent, and Darwin, down 0.3 per cent.

Sydney’s house value growth also slowed significantly to just 0.3 per cent, the smallest monthly increase in the entire recovery cycle. With Sydney house values falling into negative growth in the last week of November, a similar pattern could be seen in December, with house values either stabilising or falling.

Growth Accelerates in Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide

In contrast, house values in Perth rose rapidly in November, with an increase of 1.9%, the highest monthly increase since March 2021. Brisbane (1.3%) and Adelaide (1.2%) also showed resilient and rapid growth rates.

CoreLogic Research Director Tim Lawless said these three cities continue to show exceptionally low levels of advertised supply, while purchase activity remains above average.

Supply Versus Demand

“This imbalance between available supply and demonstrated demand is maintaining strong upward pressure on house values in these markets. This is despite the downward factors causing weaker housing market conditions across the lower east coast,” Mr Lawless said.

Factors influencing the market

The interest rate hike on Melbourne Cup day appears to have cooled the market somewhat. However, other elements such as rising advertised stock levels, deteriorating affordability and persistently low consumer sentiment are also acting as a drag on value growth in some markets.

As Gold Coast real estate agents I’m passionate about helping people sell their Gold Coast property for the best price. I’m happy to answer any questions you have over coffee. You searched for real estate agents near me in Southport, so let’s get together to take you from looking, to selling, to SOLD.

Growth Conditions in Sydney and Melbourne

Slower growth conditions are increasingly evident in the top quartile of Sydney and Melbourne. The most expensive quarter of the market in both cities is now experiencing the slowest growth on a monthly and rolling quarterly basis.

“The more expensive end of the market tends to lead the cycles in these cities,” Mr Lawless said. “As the ability to borrow diminishes, we may see more demand being diverted to the lower price points of housing. The broad middle of the market is now experiencing the strongest growth in Sydney and Melbourne”.

The Convergence of Regional and Capital Growth Rates

The gap between regional and capital growth rates has converged, with both the combined capital and regional indices rising by 0.6 per cent in November. This convergence follows a period in which regional markets have lagged their capital counterparts throughout the recovery.

House Values in the Broad Regions

“While house values in the two broad regions bottomed out in January, the combined capital index has since risen at more than twice the rate of the combined regional index, up 9.6 per cent and 4.3 per cent respectively by the end of November,” Mr Lawless said.

Australia’s regional house values remain 1.8 per cent below their all-time highs recorded in May 2022, with regional Victoria (-6.7 per cent) and regional NSW (-5.5 per cent) recording the largest shortfalls from record levels.


The performance of the national HVI reflects a wide range of factors affecting the market. These include supply and demand dynamics, lending capacity, consumer sentiment and regional variations. For real estate agents near me in Southport and across the Gold Coast, understanding these dynamics is crucial to navigating the market effectively.

When considering real estate agents near me in Southport, focus on their knowledge of the market, communication skills, marketing expertise and commitment to excellent customer service; take into account the following key factors:

Reliability and knowledge: Choose a reliable and knowledgeable Southport real estate agent who knows the Southport property market and is able to negotiate the best price for your property.

Communication: Effective communication between owners, agents and prospective buyers is essential to ensure a smooth transaction when selling your property.

Marketing: Effective marketing and advertising strategies are essential to reach potential buyers and showcase the property’s features and location.

Customer Service: Excellent customer service and after sales support are necessary to maintain customer satisfaction and an excellent reputation in the Southport property market.

I’d love to learn more about your Gold Coast property and how I can help you sell it for the best price. You looked for real estate agents near me in Southport, so let’s chat over a coffee, I’ll show you how I can help sell your home, to get you from thinking about, to selling, to you are SOLD.

As local Gold Coast real estate agents, together we can get your property SOLD for the Best possible Price.

Gold Coast Real Estate Agents - Craig Douglas 0418 189 963 - Let's meet for coffee 10
Let’s chat over a coffee to get you from thinking about, to selling, to you are SOLD! Craig Douglas 0418 189 963

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Craig Douglas Gold Coast Real Estate Agent 0418 189 963
Craig Douglas 0418 189 963, Real Estate Agent at a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island, Your Local Independant Gold Coast Real Estate Agents.

I’m a local real estate agent who specialises in helping owners sell their Gold Coast property. You looked for real estate agents near me in Southport, so let’s set up a time to chat with you over a coffee to get you on the way to SOLD.

Together we can get your property SOLD for the Best possible Price.

Craig Douglas 0418 189 963
Marketing, Negotiating, Selling Gold Coast Homes

No Harassing Phone Calls
No Obligation, No Pressure, Simply Client-Focused Selling
Not your usual Agent

Fiercely Independent, Proudly Your Local Gold Coast Real Estate Agent

You can find me at a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island


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This page was proudly created by Craig Douglas, your local independent Gold Coast real estate agent, working for a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island. Selling residential and commercial properties, from those that are awe-inspiring, through to a diamond-in-the-rough, otherwise known as a “renovator’s delight”.

I negotiate and sell on behalf of property owners who want to get the best possible price, with the least amount of hassle. Let’s talk about the process of selling your property over a coffee to get you started – 0418 189 963