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Craig Douglas Gold Coast Real Estate Agent 0418 189 963
Craig Douglas 0418 189 963, Real Estate Agent at a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island, Your Local Independant Gold Coast Real Estate Agents.
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I’m a real estate agent who’s passionate about helping people achieve their dreams. I’m here to make the selling of your property as smooth and stress-free as possible. So you looked for real estate agents Gold Coast, let’s chat over a coffee to discuss your best selling options.

Together we can get your property SOLD for the Best possible Price.

Let’s get you started on your selling journey… Are you ready for a chat over a coffee? 0418 189 963

You can find me at a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island



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Gold Coast Real Estate News & Articles

You looked for Real Estate Agents Gold Coast

2023: A Year Defying Expectations, 2024: A Crystal Ball Full of Surprises

14 December 2023, Gold Coast Real Estate News & Articles – Craig Douglas, Gold Coast Independent Real Estate Agent 0418 189 963

2023 shattered forecasts. High interest rates were supposed to be the market’s kryptonite, but prices defied gravity, fuelled by a surprising combination of population boom, supply crunch, and a tight rental stranglehold.

National Highlights:

  • Sales: 312,579 houses and 115,893 units changed hands, with Sydney’s 70 million dollar Bellevue Hill mansion stealing the show.
  • Brisbane: The rising star, bouncing back from 2022’s dip with strong demand and limited listings.
  • Sydney: Defying high rates, this darling of the market saw a new price cycle fuelled by buyer competition and a listing shortage.
  • Canberra & Melbourne: Unexpected price surges in both cities, despite affordability constraints.
  • Hobart & Adelaide: Dark horse Hobart surprised again with price growth, while Adelaide remained a consistent performer.
  • Perth & Darwin: Strong recoveries in both cities, with Perth boasting the strongest year-on-year growth.

Looking Ahead to 2024:

Here’s what we can expect:

  • Interest Rates: Potential cuts could spark demand and price hikes, but affordability remains a key concern.
  • First-home Buyers: Government initiatives like “Help to Buy” could offer a boost.
  • Rental Market: A tipping point is near, with slower rent growth and a potential shift towards home ownership.
  • Urban Development: Expect a wave paving the way forward for smarter density and future-proof cities.

Gold Coast House & Unit Prices: 2024 Forecast

Upward Drivers:

  • Population Boom: Post-COVID migration and rapid population growth are fueling demand for housing, pushing prices upwards. Expect houses to rise by 6-7% and units by 4-5%.
  • Limited Supply: Australia’s slowing housing supply is creating a critical shortage, further intensifying upward pressure on prices.
  • Lending Relaxation: Potential reductions in the mortgage serviceability buffer could boost borrowing capacity and increase demand, leading to faster price growth. A potential cash rate cut later in 2024 could further accelerate this trend.

Downward Drivers:

  • Affordability Concerns: Stalled wage growth and higher interest rates are making homeownership increasingly out of reach for many. This could slow demand and exert downward pressure on prices, unless incomes rise or mortgage rates fall.
  • Job Market Uncertainties: The RBA expects rising unemployment as inflation slows. This could lead to fewer loan approvals, delayed demand, and increased financial stress, potentially pushing more properties, particularly from investors, onto the market.
  • Inflationary Impact: Persistent inflation could lead to further rate rises, putting strain on mortgage holders and potentially pushing them to sell. This, along with reduced affordability, could limit buying power and dampen demand for properties.


The Gold Coast property market is expected to see moderate growth in 2024, driven by strong population growth and potential lending policy changes. However, affordability concerns and rising unemployment pose potential risks.

Key Takeaways for the Gold Coast Property Market:

  • House prices: 6-7% growth
  • Unit prices: 4-5% growth
  • Upward drivers: population growth, limited supply, potential lending relaxation
  • Downward drivers: affordability concerns, rising unemployment, inflation

2024: Trends to Watch

Interest rates may fall, prices may rise and affordability will remain a hot (and often frustrating) topic. But fear not, there are bright spots on the horizon!

First-time Buyers, Rejoice!

The Help to Buy scheme, a government incentive of up to 40% of the price of your home, is coming your way. Expect a scramble for affordable units in major cities and maybe even a surprise inheritance from your grandparents (hey, stranger things have happened).

Say Goodbye to the Naysayers

Tired of the “we don’t want that here” crowd-blocking development? Get ready for a wave of policies that push for smart urban densification where people actually want to live. Think faster approvals, higher densities and cities that adapt to our changing needs.

Population Boom, Anyone?

Increased population means more demand for housing, so expect prices to continue to rise (albeit at a slower pace than in recent years). But don’t despair, renters, a tipping point in the rental market is imminent, with slower rent increases and, hopefully, a more balanced market.

Cash Kings and Queens, your Time is Coming!

Mortgage stress could force some landlords to part with their properties early in 2024, so be ready to snap up some deals.

But wait, there’s a catch: Affordability will remain a big issue. Tighter budgets and lower borrowing power will keep a lid on how much buyers can spend. But fear not, a potential interest rate cut could spark demand and send prices soaring again later in the year.

So What Does it All Mean?

2024 will be a year of change and adjustment in the housing market. Be prepared for surprises, be flexible and keep your eyes open for opportunities. After all, the best way to weather a storm is to stay informed and ride the wave.


The information contained in this article is based on interpretation of data and does not constitute financial advice. Readers are advised to seek the advice of a qualified professional before making any financial decisions.

I’d love to learn more about your Gold Coast property and how I can help you sell it for the best price. You looked for real estate agents Gold Coast, so let’s chat over a coffee, I’ll gladly show you how I can help sell your home, to get you from thinking about, to selling, to you are SOLD.

As local Gold Coast real estate agents, together we can get your property SOLD for the Best possible Price.

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Begin your selling journey with me. Let’s chat over a coffee to get you started. Craig Douglas 0418 189 963

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Are there any specific environmental regulations or assessments that need to be considered when selling a property on the Gold Coast?

Craig Douglas Gold Coast Real Estate Agent 0418 189 963
Craig Douglas 0418 189 963, Real Estate Agent at a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island, Your Local Independant Gold Coast Real Estate Agents.

I’m a local real estate agent who specialises in helping owners sell their Gold Coast property. You looked for Real Estate Agents Gold Coast, so let’s chat over a coffee to get you on the way to SOLD.

Together we can get your property SOLD for the Best possible Price.

Craig Douglas 0418 189 963
Marketing, Negotiating, Selling Gold Coast Homes

No Harassing Phone Calls
No Obligation, No Pressure, Simply Client-Focused Selling
Not your usual Agent

Fiercely Independent, Proudly Your Local Gold Coast Real Estate Agent

You can find me at a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island


Hidden Gem No.63
Are there any incentives or government programs that could benefit me as a property seller?

This page was proudly created by Craig Douglas, your local independent Gold Coast real estate agent, working for a Boutique Real Estate Agency on Chevron Island. Selling residential and commercial properties, from those that are awe-inspiring, through to a diamond-in-the-rough, otherwise known as a “renovator’s delight”.

I negotiate and sell on behalf of property owners who want to get the best possible price, with the least amount of hassle. Let’s talk about the process of selling your property over a coffee to get you started – 0418 189 963